Sunday, January 10, 2010

Brand New Start

I guess it's time for me to write down all my New Year's resolutions, huh?
But instead of doing that, what my cousin said is right..
"Why can't you start today? Just because the year changes, doesn't mean everything else does."

I hope everyone who reads this will realize it's time to get up and do something.
No planning, no procrastinating. If you are, then "you're just behind."

Anyway, how did you all spend your New Year's?
I spent it at work, with friends. Surprisingly, it was quite fun.
Once we counted down, we popped open our Apple Cider, and had our first frozen yogurt shot of the year.
That's what I like about us. There's no need for alcohol for us to have fun with each other.

I think I might actually make this blog not just about my feelings anymore.
I'll begin to put up FOTD (face of the day), and fashion stuff.

Spring semester is about to start again..
This winter break has passed by so fast.

I will update soon with a better post.

Love me<3